Can you get a cover-up tattoo after laser tattoo removal?
Getting tattooed is exciting in the moment. You make a fist and bite your tongue as the needle makes its mark. ‘I’ll love this forever,’ you tell yourself as you admire your cool new ink. [...]
How PicoWay Resolve can reduce large pores
Why Do I Have Large Pores? Large pores aren’t the easiest look to rock, even though it’s a natural condition of the skin. While there are many ways to treat and reduce the appearance of [...]
How PicoWay Resolve can reduce acne scarring
In a perfect world we would all have the healthy, flawless skin we see on actors or models. The reality is, acne is a common problem that can affect anybody (even the rich and famous). In many [...]
Why Do We Get Hairier as We Age?
It can be a very confusing sight to behold: older, balding men whose hair on their heads seems to have jumped ship and taken root on other odd places on their bodies. Their ears, noses, [...]
Are Your Tattoos Hurting Your Job Prospects?
It seems that every generation faces challenges in the workplace when it comes to breaking dress codes. In the ‘60s, women faced confrontation when they started wearing shorter skirts. In the [...]
Types of Tattoos That People Regret Most
It’s an awful feeling when you look down at your tattoo and feel nothing more than a deep sense of regret. If you feel regret over your body art, you are not alone. An estimated 38% of men and [...]
Top 10 Questions About Laser Hair Removal
Along with the growing popularity of laser hair removal, there is also a growing number of questions that people have regarding the treatment. Although these questions often differ from one [...]