Telephone Pre-Screening

When you make an appointment, we will ask you some questions regarding COVID-19. We will also call you 48 hours prior to your appointment to confirm your health condition. The questions will be as follows:


  • Shortness of breath?
  • Cough?
  • Difficulty swallowing?
  • Runny nose, nasal congestion, new smell or taste disorder?
  • Sore throat?
  • Nausea/vomiting?
  • Diarrhea?
  • Abdominal pain, muscle pain?
  • Unexplained fatigue/malaise?
  • Headache?
  • Chills?
  • Hoarse voice?
  • Sneezing?
  • Loss or reduced sense of taste or smell?
  • Fever?


Have you travelled outside of Canada or had close contact with anyone that has travelled outside of Canada?

Have you been in contact with someone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms?

Have you been in contact with someone who appears to have COVID-19?

Have you been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19?


(Please note that we will be taking the temperature of each patient prior to entering our clinic)

If you have answered yes to any of the questions, we kindly request that you call us to reschedule your appointment at a later date of at least 2 weeks without any symptoms

At the Clinic

Prior to attending any appointment with us, please review the COVID-19 screening questions listed above, and inform and contact us as soon as possible if you experience any of the symptoms described, and we will reschedule your appointment at a later date of at least 2 weeks without any symptoms

We will be limiting the number of patients in our clinic to ensure safe distancing.

As we are currently observing physical distancing, We removed all magazines and brochures in our reception.

To minimize traffic, we kindly request that you arrive unaccompanied to your appointment. Only patient(s) scheduled for treatment(s)/service(s) will be permitted to enter the clinic unless you require assistance for medical reasons.

We ask that you arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment. Upon arrival please remain in your vehicle until contacted via telephone by our receptionist as we will be screening each patient prior to entering the clinic. (View screening questions indicated above). receptionist will call you as soon as the doctor or technician is ready to see you, at which point you can make your way to our entrance. We encourage you to keep all your belongings in your car.

LATE ARRIVALS: If you are late, please contact us from your vehicle and we will assign you a new arrival time. We reserve the rights to cancel and reschedule your appointment if it compromises the following appointment. Cancellation fees may apply.

In order to minimize any risk of potential contamination, should your treatment require a numbing cream application we kindly request a curbside pickup 24 hours prior to your scheduled treatment so that you may apply the cream at home. If this is not possible for you, please contact our clinic so we may make alternative arrangements for your specific needs.

Please arrive makeup free to your appointment as makeup can no longer be removed in clinic prior or during treatment(s)/service(s).  If possible, we ask you to come to the clinic with as little jewellery as possible.

At the entrance, you will be asked to disinfect your hands and put on a small blue surgical mask in order to move through the common areas.  We suggest that you bring your own mask if possible.

You will be asked to complete the verbal COVID-19 questionnaire at that time so that we can officially confirm that you are in good health.

We will then take your temperature. A fever is a temperature of 37.8 °C or greater.

All waiting areas will be closed and bathrooms will be restricted to exceptions only in order to minimize any risk of potential contamination. If possible, we ask you to come to your appointment with an empty bladder to minimize the use of our bathrooms.

Appointments will be adequately spaced apart in order to carefully disinfect each room between each patient. Common areas and surfaces will also be cleaned several times during the day.

If you were to receive a diagnosis of COVID-19 within a week following your appointment, we would be grateful if you would let us know.

Just a friendly reminder to let us know 48 hours prior to your appointment if you wish to cancel or reschedule your appointment, in order to avoid cancellation fees.